Thursday, March 27, 2008

Mumbai and Metropolitan Lecture: JJ school of architecture

david harvey - capitolism and urbanisation

mumbai history:

sultanates before british and portuguese
1600s: East India Trading Company; Bombay natural harbour - collection of islands - fishing villages.
1800s: land reclaimed; ppl shifted around;
Bombay = several layers (no chronology) integrated into eachother
Bombay = new developments imposed on older developments
hard to tell new from old...
organic form vs. grid city

India trying to compete with Shanghai, Hong Kong and Singapore
building boom: 500 euro / sq. m

Dharavi: near airport and Bandra Kurla business complex; at centre of Mumbai bounded by east and west railways; beside rich jaya neighbourhood
Dharavi will be 'South Bandra Business Complex'

Dharavi = economic power - doesn't compare with land prices
v. important to working of city- integral part of Mumbai

urban sprawl: 1000ppl / 0.03 acre no open space…

densest on east and western railway to colaba
earthquake zone: max 70m tall building

informal sector = 68% employment of city (no tax)

globalization + urbanization = urban poverty

Mumbai = 15m ppl (60% in squatter settlements)

Dharavi = 6m ppl

no town planner in local government

slum growth rate = 8% (2% = other growth)

slum dweller wants:

1. job & skills

2. $

3. health

4. house

6 ppl / hut = 10 sq m (2ppl earn $)

80% living in Dharavi, work in Dharavi

noone dealing with urban migration

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