Sunday, February 17, 2008

Photography: Jasper and his box

Distance, Perspective and Purity; WITH JASPER AND A BOX...

A small group of us decided to tweak the expectation of today's experiment. We were supposed to take pictures of objects from a consistent distance, and then do a series of repetition of a perspective. If we could somehow do that and add a narrative...
We decided that Jasper would put a box on his head, stand still in various busy locations in the architecture building, and record people's reactions. The results were hilarious.
However, it was impossible to capture people's faces from a consistent distance, as when you got close, you invaded people's experience of the situation (hence, some people were looking/pointing at me when I took their picture).
As an experiment it was interesting to see us make an intervention in a space, and record what happens to the people and the space. It was a very interesting alteration for all the people who experienced it.

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