Sunday, February 17, 2008

Slum: characteristics and needs

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Slum = overcrowded; physical/legal aspect; poor/informal housing; unsafe water/sanitation; insecurity of tenure (UN description)

slum dwellers seek: optimising house COST; SECURITY; journey to WORK; quality of SHELTER; personal SAFETY

45sq.m room = 13ppl.

Materials of cities for the future: crude brick, cement blocks, recycled plastic, straw, bamboo, mud, tin, chains, scrap wood, scrap metal

sites: pavement; low-lying areas (flood); highway/railway lines; creeks

1/5 dwellings have toilet ; 1 tap per 200-8,000 ppl

slum typologies (formal ; informal)

metro core = 20% Mumbai:

formal: tenements (hand-me-downs/built for poor), public housing, hostels

informal: squatters (legal/illegal), pavement dwellers

periphery = 80% Mumbai

formal: private rental, public housing

informal: private subdivisions, squatters (legal/illegal), refugee camps

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